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Request Your Free, Personalized Sales Quote Now!

We have multiple ways to request a quote, or to just ask a question. Will you be using mini mesh for a garden, playground, or backyard? Do you need mini mesh for high security areas, such as prisons, highways, or military use? Do you have any concerns, are looking to buy in bulk, or have questions about mini mesh chain link fabric that are not answered on this site? We are a full service company and provide Request For Quote free of charge. We aim to help each customer get exactly what they need, for the price that is right.

If you would like to fill out a RFQ (Request For Quote) form, please download the form below, fill it out and send it back to us in a number of convenient ways. The RFQ will allow us to get an understanding of what you are looking for, and will let us better service you with a quote tailored to your needs.

We also offer special wholesale mini mesh pricing - please contact us to learn more! We are available Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm EST to answer questions and give free price quotes.

Fill out a RFQ form and Email / Fax it to us:
Download Request For Quote (RFQ) Form



Toll Free:

Discount Fence Supply, Inc.
8500 Hadden Road,
Twinsburg, OH 44087

Free Quote Form